The true Muslim Society is a society in which there is absolute justice for all people, in which their dignity is preserved and wealth is distributed fairly, in which each person is given equal opportunity to work according to his ability and earn the fruits of his efforts without being afraid of those who could undermine him.
Thus social justice which saves the poor from the tyranny of the rich. This is something which Islam achieved fifteen hundred years ago, during the Makkan period, when the hard-hearted rich who showed no compassion towards their poor brethren were warned that they would be among the people of Hell, as Allah says:
'What has caused you to enter Hell?' They will say, 'We were not of those who used to offer the Salâh [prayers], nor we used to feed al-Miskeen [the poor].' [Quran (74):42-44]
But feeding the poor is not enough; we must also urge people to treat them fairly, take care of them and make sure their needs are met, in order to achieve the justice that Islam seeks to achieve:
Have you seen him who denies the recompense? That is he who repulses the orphan [harshly], and urges not on the feeding of al-Miskeen [the poor]. [Quran (103):1-3]
Everyone who is able to achieve this social justice but does not do so or encourage other to do so is described by the Quran as being like a Kâfir who disbelieves in Allah and thus deserves His wrath and punishment:
[It will be said]: Seize him and fetter him; Then throw him in the blazing Fire. Then fasten him with a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits! Verily, he used not to believe in Allah, the Most Great, and urged not on the feeding of al-Miskeen [the poor]. [Quran (69):30-34]
The Muslim society is a society which honours orphans and encourages feeding of the poor. Diametrically opposed to it is the greedy, jâhili (non-Islamic), materialistic society in which the rich care only about accumulating wealth, piling up worldly gains and stealing the rights of others:
Nay! But you treat not the orphans with kindness and generously [i.e. you neither treat them well, not give them their exact right of inheritance]! And urge not one another on the feeding of al-Miskeen [the poor]! And you devour the inheritance ─ all with greed. And you love wealth with much love. [Quran (17):17-20]
This unique social justice does not apply only to the Muslims in the Muslim Society, rather it applies to all inhabitants, regardless of the differences in their religions, races, languages and colours. This is the major, humane distinguishing feature of Islam that is not found in any other religion. This is the pinnacle of justice, which no national or international law has achieved until now. Those who have any doubt about this should refer to the justice that strong nations show towards weak ones, or the justice of whites towards Natives and black ones, or the justice of the whites towards the coloureds in south Africa ─ these are modern situations which are known to anyone who is aware of current events.
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"O' you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves or your parents, or your kin." {Qur'an (4):135} |
We should also point out here that none of this can be achieved through superficial manifestation of Islam such as going to the mosque, celebrating Islamic occasions, holding dhikr circles or singing nasheeds (hymns and religious songs); rather it can only be achieved when life is ruled by Islam and when all the people's affair are conducted in accordance with Islamic values and rulings. These are values and ruling that guarantee absolute justice by giving everyone his or her rights and organising relations among people in a just manner.
Two Aspects of Justice: Negative and Positive
Hence in the Muslim society justice has two aspects, negative and positive. The negative aspect means preventing oppression and relieving the oppressed thereof, by restraining the oppressor and preventing him from violating the rights of the people with regard to themselves, their honour and their wealth, relieving them of any injustice that has taken place, restoring their rights to them and punishing the perpetrator of the injustice. These are all thing to be undertaken by the state.
The positive aspect of justice in the Muslim society is also connected to the state, which should protect the people's right and guarantee their freedom and a life of dignity so that they there will be no invalid who is forgotten, no weak person who is neglected, no poor person who is deprived and no fearful person who is threatened.
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